Robin Jonsson
© Chrisander Brun

Robin Jonsson

In the three productions he created since his graduation at P.A.R.T.S, Robin Jonsson stages artificial bodies from computergames, manga comics, animation films and puppetry. These avatars are characterized by a very specific body language, dictated by the specifics of the medium itself. Just like puppets imply a puppeteer, and game heroes are characterized by some kind of invulnerability, each of these media rephrase the vocabulary in which we imagine ourselves. When these virtual movements are translated by physical bodies on stage, they generate an intriguing confrontation between artificiality and authenticity, virtuality and materiality, imagination and factuality.

During his trajectory with wpZimmer, Robin Jonsson created the diptych The Hollows. In these performances the subtle balance between man and monster is being disturbed by researching the cult figure of the zombie. The Hollows I: Walk with Me takes the audience for a walk through a site specific environment, questioning the retorics and artifices of the classical zombie culture. With The Hollows II, Robin Jonsson made a choreographical deconstruction of the zombie figure in a hands-on performative workshop.