Nahuel Cano
Nahuel Cano was born in Neuquén, Wallmapu, known today as Argentina’s Patagonia. He lives and works between Buenos Aires and Amsterdam. He is an actor, theatre-maker, and an autodidact sound experimenter. His field of artistic action is mobile, exploring the possibilities of performance, installation, sound, and theatre.
As an actor, Nahuel worked both in cinema and theatre with important directors like Lucrecia Martel, Lotte van Der Berg and Alejandro Tantanián, among others. From 2010 until 2017 as a maker Nahuel developed his artistic projects together with his group “El Cuarto”, these works have been presented in multiple international festivals and have received support and awards from national and international institutions. Nahuel is also a founding member of Escena Política, an artistic collective that has organized actions, forums and performances advocating for more inclusive and fair practices in the arts field in Buenos Aires. In 2020 he graduated from the DAS Theatre Master program in Amsterdam.
At this moment, Nahuel Cano is developing a platform and subjective territory from which to keep expanding his research and solo work: Kütral – Nahuel.