Mapping the interior
Mapping the interior is the first step into developing a practice of listening and mapping “spectral sonic geographies”. A practice of attuning perception to the sonic networks that define territories, that articulate the inhabiting of places, also to the absences, the invisible, the ghosts that are intertwined in the fabric of territories. Sonic cartographies may offer ways of orienting oneself, and of getting lost, of making present worlds that collide but resonate with the visible world, having the potential to redistribute the politics of the visible and the audible.
Nahuel is exploring this field by the creation of listening experiences, highlighting sound’s invisible, disruptive, and affective qualities, and its effects in modes of listening involving words and language and making sense of them. By this he tries to explore the opening of sensitive spaces that can enable quiet, but radical, transformations. He believes that listening can transform sonic landscapes; not just in terms of the aural but also in ways that address forgotten or silenced voices, and in doing so, contribute to social change.
During his residency Nahuel plans to map interior spaces, domestic and inner subjective spaces. Mapping these spaces, their non-human and human geography, their ghostly presences and the different temporalities that collapse in different localities. He does not yet know how a spectral sound map would unfold in time and space. Finding ways to approach the design of such maps is the goal of his research. The outcome of the residency will be a performative sound piece that will be activated in the space in the form of an intimate “concert”.