The Underground and the Portal
Procrastinación House


The Underground and the Portal

What do we find when we are looking for something? Under this question grows, The underground and the portal. A place still to be made, still in process. TERRA INCOGNITA. A place that germinates from a prophecy. From whose branches grow as intersections, a series of trajectories that enable encounters with other entities, activating the imagination and generating other understandings of relations.

This work experiments and is based on the creation of an almost fictional, almost real installa­tion-space. In where, movement, voice, sound, visitors, chance… fluctuate.

From this double reality-fiction dimension, a narrative is born, which takes us to other places that are told mainly orally and through the body. We enter a space that generates another, which in turn generates another one. A place that presents multiple geographies.

During this process, Procrastination House is also born, a secret society that brings together differ­ent people, ghosts, books etc. To make procrastination an artistic practice, a survival tool.

In this new project Elena is accompanied by the choreographer and visual artist Maïte Álvarez.