She Can Borrow My Body If She Needs
“She Can Borrow My Body If She Needs” emerges from an experience of
sexual violence, its internalisation and its nurturing within friendship.
It also emerges from the support structure built around the articulation of
this sexual violence, working as a duo, exploring multiplicity when
studying a single event and its aftermath.
We have been working since 2019, building strength, learning how to listen and speak to each other, gaining language and eventually finding form.
“She Can Borrow My Body If She Needs” seeks to entangle female
experience: personally witnessed, as witnessed by others, and
witnessed via media/representation. This work, made for the theatre,
sets out to stage the difficult act of assembling one’s story; through
many, borrowing bodies along the way.
These issues are deeply reflected in our current time, especially in a
post #metoo, blacklivesmatter, world, where identity politics factor so
deeply. How do bodies relate to other bodies and through what value
and power systems? Let’s learn to do better. Let’s walk backwards into
the future, facing the past as we go forward