oracle: TOPOS 2
During the collective residency “TOPOS 2: HOW TO BE TOGETHER”, oracle is inhabiting wpZimmer to reflect on ways of publishing, editing and writing through the oracle practice, sometimes alone, sometimes together with different invitees. They will review their research materials gathered around their telepathic practices* while continually letting themselves be guided by the body vocal practice, called ‘oracle’.
*During lockdown, oracle transformed their vocal practice into a telepathic practice to offer another form of connection in times of crisis and isolation; one that involves magic, imagination and communication through “waves/energy/particles”, reaching beyond physical borders. A variety of people responded to the call, ranging from the oracle community to persons from different communities in Brussels, and abroad. Opening this practice to a broader community was an experiment in connectivity and a way for oracle to share financial resources in a time of need, offering a fee to each participant.
oracle’s research has been strictly practice based; as a continuation of this process they are now attempting to use the oracle practice to translate our research findings into modes of publishing and to identify the narratives of those publication(s). How can the oracle practice be a tool for creating a narrative or structure of a publication? How can the content be defined through the practice itself?
oracle is interested in extending the idea of publication and searching for unknown ways of making. How can this process be a performative process as well? How can the publication itself become performative? Can the book become a space one enters in? How to represent voice, vocal practice and collaboration in a publication?
During the production of this publication(s) Caroline Daish and Justine Maxelon will re-visit spaces which have engaged with the oracle practice in the past. They are interested in how those spaces and ecologies will inform the publishing process. How will their memory of “past oracle readings” of those environments entangle themselves with present analysis? What future scenarios are revealed during those readings? oracle is interested in long-term relations with environments as well as accompanying transitions or changes of ecologies. Can a map of places that oracle has practiced in be their narrative for a publication?