Mbunga Kongi’s project is to offer the next generation a captivating exhibition on the Amazons of the Kingdom of Dahomey. Her aim is to create a space of trust that will enable us to reconnect with our past history. As a member of the second generation, Milka feels a strong impulse to explore her identity, a quest that has taken a long time to come to fruition.

She’s part of the generation, eager to share the spiritual energy bequeathed to us by our ancestors. She wants to shed light on the story of these women warriors who have fought so hard to preserve their culture. Too often, stories about the Amazons have been portrayed in a futuristic way by American film-makers. Truths about their lives have been distorted to appeal to a certain audience, creating an amalgam that undermines the authenticity of Dahomey’s history.

My ambition is to tell their true story, one that will enable every black woman to regain possession of her body and her spirit. The Amazons possessed an incredible power that made their fame reverberate around the world.

Mbunga Kongi’s intention is to bring this exhibition to life through striking images and an authentic narrative. This approach will enable every black woman to reconnect with her roots, in order to cultivate her value within a society that too often underestimates her. Black women were not born as slaves; they are an integral part of a history that, despite its brevity, has helped to shape the world.

Mbunga Kongi

Milka does not limit herself to the art of sound. She quickly established herself as a committed activist, campaigning strongly against racist, sexist and homophobic discrimination. Her commitment stems from her life experience and her unshakeable desire to contribute to a more egalitarian and inclusive world. Her voice becomes a channel of expression for those who are often marginalised, and she devotes her energy to raising awareness and taking action for positive change.