Iets anders (Something Else)
“As a boy- in a time that was still yours- it once happened that my ball rolled onto the grass in the park. Because walking on the grass was forbidden, I waited for a good five minutes until a certain moment when there was no one else to be seen: only then did I dare to step over the low fence, with my heart pounding, to take the few steps across the grass and to jump back again as soon as I could. That inhibition, that pounding heart, that’s what it’s about. Did I feel unfree? Not at all. It was simply forbidden to walk on the grass. (…) Once the king is ruler by the grace of God, then technology will personify divine omnipotence. By that time no telephone booth will be vandalized and no one will walk on the grass anymore – not even if a ball is there.
Harry Mulish in Discovery of Heaven
How to provoke a heartbeat? Something is looking for answers.