Blue Skies Forever
In 2016 Beyoncé releases her video Hold Up, which seems to show similarities with the video work Ever is Over All by Pipilotti Rist from 1997. Fascinated by the different representations of women in both videos, buren started working with two figures from Ever is Over All: Dorothy, based on Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Officer, a female police officer.
In a dreamy, associative performance buren seeks how to imagine, portray, disembody and connect these figures. With a sense of abstraction and humour they dress up like them while transforming again and again.
In 2012 Oshin Albrecht and Melissa Mabesoone founded the collective ‘buren’. Their artistic practice consists of performances, videos, installations, prints, objects and films and deals with subjects as the feminine, the common, living, sexuality, pop music and neoliberal phantasies.