Between us


Between us

Besides being an actual marriage, this marriage is as well a durational, multidisciplinary artistic proces where they -, as unconventional couple and artists – curate their love for each other.

Kim and Anyuta are marrying, amongst others, to obtain a residential status advantage (mean) but with the clear intention to create and maintain a sustainable community life (end).

This somewhat vague notion of sustainable community life is the base requirement for a ‘pure’ or ‘real’ marriage according to the Belgian civil code. The artistic proces entails partially a search in how to relate to, and define this ‘sustainable community life’, since no definition is given in this corpus of the civil code. Hereby, they playfully research expectations, dogma’s and needs, not only towards ourselves but likewise on a juridical and societal level. It is in their interest to further penetrate different cultural models of marriage, who at first sight present themselves as decisive and determent. But are they really?

This whole proces is transformed into a multidisciplinary work: performative actions, publications, video’s and exhibitions.

After their marriage in the summer of 2018, Anyuta and Kim will work on the documentation and registration of this happening. Furthermore, they will prepare their honeymoon which takes place in the summer of 2019.