Again, The Sunset
Do you remember how real it was that time when we were both so colored by the sun? Do you remember how real it was that time when we were both clouds? Or we were one cloud rather, a unified cloud, colored pink by the sunset.
Again, The Sunset is where identity is multiplied over and over again by what it touches. It moves. It is a song, a speech and a story. It is a hard rock made hard when you hold it. It is quiet. And then it gets so loud.
Again, The Sunset invites the audience to witness an intimate thought process and contemplation where sounds and their textures exist undeniably attached to the materiality of their instruments; yet the body of sound is constantly transforming itself.
In the past Inga Huld Hákonardóttir has been invited by wpZimmer. Two times together with Katie Vickers (We will have had darker futures (2017); together with Rebecca Stillman and Slogan for Modern Times (2015)) and for The Valley (2015) of Rósa Ómarsdóttir. For her current residency she works together with Yann Leguay, Brussel-based artist who focuses mostly on the notions of dematerialization, the use of interfaces and everything about the materiality of memory.