Still Animals (installation version) (2014)


In Still Animals the famous studies of Eadweard Muybridge come to life. Iconic photograph series (such as the jumping cat or the flying pigeon) are performed by naked human bodies, subtly manipulated by camouflaged performers. In-between the human and the animal, these intriguing beings look both artificial and organic, they seem to be moving while staying in place. Out of the darkness appears a mesmerizing suspense of jumping and flying bodies, coupled to an almost absurdly low-tech constellation that creates the illusion of effortless motion.

In the installation version, excerpts from the performance are shown in a specific location. It can both be shown in private and public spaces, indoors and outdoors. This may result in a surprising confrontation for the passers-by, or it may become a direct and intimate experience for the viewer when performed in a museological setting.