With Fourre Tout, Naomi Kerkhove produces tangible textile drawings. Seated behind her sewing-machine she continues an endless banner where shapes, traces and thoughts are conjoined. Through a live camera feed the audience witnesses the emerging lines from close by. These drawings and three dimensional figures regularly are the starting point for in situ installations, workshops and performances.
The first Fourre Tout took place in February 2009 in Ghent, in the context of Tangram, a local project with friends. The concept has been repeated at Bâtard Festival (Brussels), 30 CC (Leuven), ABC (Brussels), ArtsNoord (Antwerp), CC Ronse, CC Knokke-Heist, CC Bruges, CC Berchem, Sorry not Sorry Festival (Ghent), Wilde Mannen Woeste Wijven (Ghent) and C-Mine (Genk).
© Godfried Verschaffel © Godfried Verschaffel © Godfried Verschaffel © Godfried Verschaffel