Sandy Williams
Sandy Williams lives and works in Brussels. He graduated from P.A.R.T.S. in 2004 and works as a choreographer and a performer.
His earliest collaborations with Jan Ritsema focused on questioning the possibilities and expectations of the dancing body (Blindspot, 2005) and the future of energy and the hydrogen economy (Know2How, 2006).
In 2007, together with Andros Zins-Browne, he went on to create The Kansas City Shuffle, an audience participatory performance in which the viewers were invited to create the piece with the performers by engaging in covert and espionage style narratives. Participants transported secret packages, transmitted code words and surveilled fellow audience members. It was an experiment in social choreography by introducing the participants to potential narratives and allowing them to determine the course of their experience. It was film noir played out in real time by the very audience that was there to watch the performance.
Following this creation, Williams began his work with Rosas and for the next six years he concentrated on the craft of movement and performance. In this capacity, the topic of each creation was not as much his concern as how he could embody it; how his abilities, history and interests could serve the work. He became further fascinated by complexity and causality through the tailoring of one movement to the next and larger choreographic organizations of timing and space.
With Everything Happens So Much, Sandy Williams aims to combine his interests in narrative and the challenge of the audience / performer relation with his fascination with the craftsmanship of dance and choreography. This futuristic lecture-performance will be created together with Julien Monty in the fall of 2015 and will be premièred in February 2016 during the Burning Ice Festival at Kaaitheater (Brussels).