A mold refers to two very different things: it is a type of fungus but is also a hollow container to cast a specific form or pattern. As a fungus, it functions as a mycelial network that grows in ways that seem incontrollable: connecting, colonizing, infecting, digesting, fruiting and producing spores. As a pattern, it is a matrix, a form that shapes malleable matters. MOLD wants to stage the conflict between spontaneous proliferation and casting, between two different logics in the same body.
Drawing on a variety of practices – mycology, fashion, fermentation, dance and sculpture – MOLD approaches the theater machine as a multiplicity of bodies. MOLD is not only to become a performance but also a farm. An environment where dance, objects, audience, light, music, scents and costumes interact as living cultures. A garden dedicated to cultivating, abandoning, inoculating, braiding, duplicating, sprouting, warming up and decaying.