


In Oceanographies, Marialena Marouda is interested in knowledges in the plural. She focuses particularly on those knowledges of ocean that are inherent in encountering it. The focus of her research is therefore the relation between two kinds of bodies: the human body and the vast body of water that the ocean is. It is the relation of the hands to the mud, the ears to the breaking of the waves, the feet to the feeling of sinking, that the work focuses on –rather than on the ocean “in itself”, devoid of the human presence.

The work seeks to weave the complexity that arises from those interactions into the tellings of stories of encountering the ocean -and their demonstrations. The aim is to develop a nomad oceanographic institute in which the (re-)telling of those experiences, the performing of the relationship(s) that are described, can summon or evoke the ocean. That is, performance becomes here a tool and an art-science by means of which the ocean and the researcher can be merged into a single body of water.

Oceanographies (try-out) has been presented in OpenHouse13 on 24 June 2018.