The voice of nature


The voice of nature

The voice of nature is a site-specific court piece, in which Maria Lucia investigates ecocide and the possibilities of making a new proposal for the justice-system. For this creation, she will experiment with how law and justice can serve the ecosystem by proposing a “new type of court room” and create a new form of trial in which the voice of nature can be heard. In her futuristic court, she will guide the audience through the realms of fiction, magic and reality. In response to the many legal challenges she faces to represent legally nature, a transformation of the individual is needed. How would a river or a forest talk in court?

As challenging as it may, Maria Lucia is undertaking a durational personification process to be the spokesperson person of nature. The process consists in one year of archiving a series of explorations and rites. This journey will become a collective one, and inspire the trial’s dramaturgy, script, and the performer Anna Mendelssohn to guide the audience through a transformative juridical ritual, in which human and non-humans will come to a new collective language.