De eerste week van september 2014 nodigt wpZimmer Björn Säfsten en zijn team uit om in de studio te werken aan IDIOTS. De voorstelling gaat goed een maand later in première in MDT in Stockholm.
In zijn vorige voorstellingen werkte Björn telkens nauw samen met zijn performers. In IDIOTS gaat hij op dezelfde leest verder. Ditmaal werkt hij samen met Allison Ahl en Sebastian Lingserius.
Björn over de voorstelling:
IDIOTS will show that the body is not only the bearer of multitudes of representations but also an instrument for rewriting them. By tiring out representations and dancing them to breaking point, the construction of representation itself is criticized, showing the insufficiency and fragility of the way it operates. The work thus processes the perversions of dance, placing the dancer as a writing subject unconscious of his own responsibility. It is about returning to the choreography as an investigative practice of activities and so approaching activity as presence, in the way it relates to the world and in its self-awareness. In this way we are seeking to develop our practice of choreography, our understanding of it, the audience’s view of it and create conversations that drive ontological criticism forwards. We might perhaps appear to be/be portrayed as IDIOTS but it is not the representation of the idiot that counts but the limits of choreography and challenging these.
Op vrijdag 5 september om 16u30 organiseren we een informeel toonmoment.