Whispered Dreams
image: Bart Grietens


Whispered Dreams

Whispered Dreams began as a series of letters and texts exchanged between Mona (a writer and actress based in Tehran) and Fariborz. They are close friends and members of the same collective that has been active in Tehran since 2011. Starting from these texts, they are revisiting their connection, friendship, and artistic collaboration, considering gender and lived experiences—Fariborz’ in Amsterdam and hers in Tehran. Due to the distance, their collaboration takes place remotely, which presents certain challenges in their creative process and performative setups. This distance is integral to the concept of the work, posing challenges, particularly in relation to audience interaction. 
 ’Friendship’ and ‘Self-censorship’ are the central themes they explore in Whispered Dreams where they question different aspects of friendship and self-censorship as concepts and examine how to translate it into a physical space while engaging audience members.  

Fariborz Karimi


Concept & maker: Fariborz KarimiCo-writer & remote performer: Mona AhmadiDramaturg: Aria BaghestaniScenography & Costumes: Lou SeidleLights: Patsy LassboSound designer & clarinet player: Amirhossein SadeghzadehGraphic design: Parnaz KarimiPhotos : Bart Grietens