During their residency at wpZimmer Amber Vanluffelen and Mathias Mu explore the intersections of their artistic practices. Together, they navigate virtual worlds, gathering assets from various video games and transforming them through a creative process involving collecting, reimagining through association, and morphing with the use of virtual cultures and digital fabrication.

Inspired by the concept of a Strategy Game Guide as a tool for archiving this experience and offering insight into the construction of their world exploration, they see their activities during this residency as a stand-in for the game itself in relation to the guide.

Amber Vanluffelen

Amber Vanluffelen is a Brussels based artist whose multifaceted practice includes performances, digital 3D images, poetry and installations.

Mathias Mu

1991 BE
Mathias Mu (1991, BE) is a multidisciplinary artist from Antwerp. In his practice, Mu embraces digital cultures, technoromanticism and hyperspace, as well as emerging technologies and media, exploring their potential for artistic expression within the context of contemporary art.