I’m.potent is an in-side-in story of simple actions within a complex social condition. Concretely, I’m.potent is concentrated around possibilities for employment while in exile, disposing structural exclusion while pointing-out both: potential of the trade-and-job market as well as impotent condition of a migrant-candidate. Imagined as an ‘hour long job interview- rehearsals’ that two friends, two women organize between them, this show is an amusing roller-coaster swinging from joyful girls-fun scenes till loads-heavy condition of being a migrant -woman. The script and the play are inspired by actual, authentic experience, fed by over 200 written job-applications and motivation latter’s, over 50 job-interviews done, and many ‘coffee’s for job’ experiences they collected in first 5 years in Belgium. Also Sartre’s ‘Exit’ and Chekhov’s ‘The Bet’ played a roll, mostly in dramaturgical choices that have been made.