Monsters School

Monsters School

Monsters School

Monsters School is a collective and durational experiment during the whole month of July. A performative transformation of “school” into a space of co-creation. This process of becoming other is a practice of unlearning and undoing while being many. Monsters School sets its foot in the Middelheim park, a partner in becoming other.

Monsters School sustains a free space of studying and practicing together, sharing knowledge and experiences. The exchange among many is rooted equally in vulnerability and pleasure, awakening a sensuality of the body and the senses.

Every Saturday in July, our monsters invite you to the Monsters picnic. The picnic is an invitation to nourish the monster within us. In the idyllic park setting of Middelheim, as we share a picnic blanket, we dive into shaping a performative experience that explores and probes the twilight zone of our senses. The Monsters School Picnics are a break from the daily fluctuations of time to informally share the notes and experiences gathered during Monsters School hours; consider it recess.