Forensic Plant Lab: open lab
Forensic Plant Lab was a one-day expo in which artists Maria Lucia Cruz Correia and Gosie Vervloessem guided visitors through the mind map of an investigation, which was broken up like a crazy wall. Forensic Plant Lab is set up as a detective agency that specializes in investigating the relationship between Homo Sapiens and the plant kingdom and, in a broader sense, humanity’s relationship with nature. The mind map through which the visitors were guided tells the story of the mutilation of the trees of De Liereman, a nature reserve in Turnhout, on the night of 23 May 2020. The artists started an investigation into this crime through field research, interviews with stakeholders of the ‘landscape’. The visitors who visited the expo were initiated into the ‘case’.
The expo was made possible with the support of The Activiteitenpremie from Flemish Authorities.