Atelier Bildraum
Atelier Bildraum is the working space of artists Charlotte Bouckaert & Steve Salembier. Together they work on the intersection between visual arts and performance, and observe the visual in performing arts as well as the performative aspect in the visual arts. Atelier Bildraum’s art practice gives room to the image and the imagination, to time and space, as the most important themes. Their work centralizes the visualisation and the obtaining of meaning through the imagination of the spectator.
Atelier Bildraum is less interested in the image an sich, but more in the process of creating images; in the context and space in which images appear and disappear. Their work focusses mainly on the gaze that captures the images, on the experience of looking and feeling. The name of their atelier is not a coincidence: ‘Bildraum’ is a concept in photography that indicates the inner chamber of a full frame technical camera. It is in this space that the image comes into being. In that way, Atelier Bildraum, is as well an imaginary space, a personal universe in which both artists constantly place the photographic image and the architectural space in other contexts in relation to the aspect of time.