New Collective Residency: Egon Schoelynck, Marthe Koning, Prisca – Agnes Nishimwe


New Collective Residency: Egon Schoelynck, Marthe Koning, Prisca – Agnes Nishimwe

This month, wpZimmer is space to a collective residency in collaboration with Detheatermaker. For three weeks, Egon Schoelynck, Marthe Koning and Prisca – Agnes Nishimwe are taking over the space as they collaborate, exchange as well as devote concentrated time on their individual artistic projects.

Marthe is working on What Pessoa Taught me, her latest performance that will premiere at LAFS. Prisca completes her research grant, as she embarks on a new beginning and Egon diligently explores how to leave Vilvoorde…

In the last week, the artists are inviting you to an open studio where you’ll experience three finished performances, a big karaoke party or something in-between…

On August 25th, you’re welcome to wpZimmer (Gasstraat 90, 2060 Antwerp) between 19h30 and 22h00 for a glimpse behind the scenes. RSVP’ing isn’t a must, but always welcome. Say hi to Lotte from Detheatermaker by leaving her a message: lotte@detheatermaker.be