Fabrice Samyn
The work of Fabrice Samyn is characterized by a great diversity, both formally (painting, photography, sculpture, installations, performance, participative practice..) and thematically (time and light, the problematics of representation in our society, the articulation between idolatry and iconoclasm or any other duality). To investigate our idea of time, he gets inspired by different conceptual and pictural traditions, and by (occidental and oriental) spiritual traditions.
His work has been exhibited or performed internationnally, in institutions such as Lehmbruck Museum(Duisburg, Germany), Cca wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts (San francisco, Unites States), BOZAR (Brussels, Belgium), Villa Empain (Brussels, Belgium), Fondation Hyppocrène ( Paris, France) Triangle (Marseille, France), Kunsthal Kade (Amersfoort, The Netherlands), Bps22 (Charleroi, Belgium), Frac Lorraine (Metz, France), Z33 House for Contemporary Art (Hasselt, Belgium), La friche belle de mai (Marseille, France), LaM Museum (Villeneuve d’Ascq, France , Kaaitheater (Brussels, Belgium).
And in private galleries such as : Sies Hoeke ( Dusseldorf, Germany), Meessen De Clercq (Brussels,Belgium), Robert Miller (Nyc,Usa),Taitinger Gallery (Nyc, Usa), LA louver Gallery, Lora Reynolds (Austin Texas), Cristina Guerra ( Lisbon Portugal).
His works have been acquired in private collections internationnally , and in public institutions such as : Pompidou Paris, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Lehmbruck museum. And in fondations : Flag art foundation ( Nyc,Usa), Randall foundation (Houston, Texas, usa), Fondation Cab ( Bruxelles, Belgique),DZ Bank (Germany)
(most of the important clients want to remain anonymous)